
Saturday 16 March 2019

What does big-hearted mean?

I wonder what big hearted mean "HMM" lets just go and find out shall we. I remember that big hearted could mean a person that is kind and generous. An of example of those two words is like someone has no lunch you can be generous by sharing food with the person which is also being really kind to.
But when you don't show that you are actually being selfish,ungenerous,hard-hearted and ungracious which is not really kind to show to others.
Another example and this is for kylie jenner the billionaire she can be generous by sharing her money to kids that are in need and helping homeless people get back on there feet so if she does that she is being really kind to those in need.
Being compassionate is a really good thing to do so you should be showing that to everyone that you see and making sure you are showing it positively to others.
Image result for big hearted

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