
Tuesday 2 April 2019

Lock down drill

Image result for lock downWALT: Prepare for any type if disaster

Today at Tamaki Primary school we had something called a lock down drill. 
A lock down drill isn't real we call it drill only cause drill means a practice so all we were doing is practice what to do when a disaster is near.
We all knew what to do so we were all ready for the lock down drill, So we all had to so something really simple and easy.
We all had to lay down flat on the floor and be really quiet that is something the teachers and student need to do. Then when the students and getting settled on the floor the teachers make sure that the doors are locked in the classroom and make sure they turn off light so we are not noticeable.
We at least have to lay flat on the floor for 20 or 30 minutes which sounds short but feels really long.
After the 20 or 30 minutes Mr Reddy or Mrs Kelly comes and checks all the class and give the message that the lock down has ended.
so the only reason we do this so everyone is OK and safe from any disaster that approaches near.

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