
Wednesday 8 May 2019

Student leader trip

Guys guess where me and the students leaders went during school...
we went to the most fun event where all leaders from different schools come together as one and learn how to be good leader for your school.

The most thing I was excited about was to learn heaps about to be a good, strong and responsible leader for my school. 
I knew the host and he speakers really inspires kids to be the most caring leaders for there school and they know how to do that by just talking about how it goes to get to that leader stage.

It was really cool that we got to learn leadership from some really cool and grateful people that know what leadership is that is the reason they came just to teach the leaders to show leadership.

Guys what we were all waiting for the most greatest moment they hope on the stage with there confident following them  we welcome Liz Alexander and Phil Baker and they were the host for 2019 YAY!!

So they were ready to start this whole thing which was really amazing, They first with there happy face looking us they introduce themself to every school that came and as soon as I saw them I knew that they were going to teach me something really important.

When they were showing and telling us what to do they told us that the first speaker is going to start there leadership talk and I was super duper ready to go though these talk to them because if I am going to be a leader I have to show more to get to the better stage of a leader.

First speaker with their leadership talk issss...
Christian Gallen
I didn't even know who that was to be honest but as talks about leadership I might get to know him a bit.
When he step on stage I think that maybe he will be boring being honest right now but we he started to talk he was really interesting in his talks and really really funny that is a really good step so maybe i wasn't that right of him being so boring.
Guys I am going to skip a bit but I just want to tell you some main ideas that he told us and is really important to know.
first of all this is going to be a bit funny but he said this 
"don't mistake food for pet food" he didn't say exactly that but he told us a story he was just so hungry he wanted to eat but there was nothing that he liked, then the next morning (I think) he find a bowl of luchin so he took the it out.
After he took it out he decided to make a sandwich so when he finished making that sandwich he also decided to heat it up for some reason so when he did that and when he was waiting he was just looking at the package or luchin and all he can see was animals, then the sandwich was ready to come out and as soon as he ate it he knew something weird tasted about this sandwich and he realize that he was eating DOG FOOD EWWW!
that sounds so yuck cause it is.
the other thing he told us is to grow you have to eat a lot of healthy food to grow as strong and tall that will be cool to know you are your body is so healthy right that is a really good sign for your body to develop.

Guys there was a lot more speakers I don't want to take that long so I will just tell you some facts about who I saw and how they explain their leadership.

Well after
Christian Gallen first is time on the stage it was time for the best and only
Ronnie Taulafo and as you all know that he use to be on a show called what now which was really excited to meet him this is actually my second time meeting me cause my school was on what now when he was working but now he had been making a movie but I don't know what movie but I think maybe it will be fun.
Guys we are going to get into this fast so Ronnie talk about building communication between others and told us a quote and it was
I really didn't know what he meant but yeah I think it meant something really strong and important.

Next we had Hana Tapiata she was talking about the voices that turn up in your head and she directly told us that when you have to do something really dangerous do you pick to do it or pick not to do it so you are making that decision in your head should you pick the positive which is not to do it or pick the negative which is picking the dangerous thing.
Well all she told us to always pick the positive voice every time.

Guys I think that is all cause you don't need to read a whole story right so I am going to write down some key and main ideas and notes:
-Push yourself to learn
-leadership inspires people to be the best
-communicate to lead
communicate to connect
-leading people with your hands
-knowing who you are
-he aha te kai a te rangatira he korero he korero he korero
-acceptance, respect,appreciation 

I think that is my note I hope you enjoy I know is it a lot like a lot but you can learn something from this hopefully but yeah enjoy my blog for may 2019




  1. Kia ora, my name is Gaia, I'm a year 7 student and marshland school. I read your post. It looked fun. I would love to be there. At our school our leaders get to go to the beehive, in Wellington. I think your post was very cool and I like it. Bye, Gaia.

    1. Thank you very much for giving me feedback and yes it was really fun and you also sound fun too.


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