
Wednesday 16 August 2017

5o year of no-talk

One gloomy day Maddie and her dog Buddy went for a stroll on the Mountain. Maddie was a pretty, tall ballerina and Buddy was a brown talking dog. She dances a lot, every time in the mornings and in the night. Their also lived a beautiful Happy fairy and her name was Edith. She lived in a castle which was outstanding. She liked to use her magic to save people and she also made them very happy.

As they were walking they saw a strange looking cave, they kept on walking up until they came past this old lady. This old lady was ugly but she looked very innocent. Maddie felt sorry for her so she sat down next to the woman and asked, “What is your name?” the lady replied and said, “Sasha”. “Well nice to meet you Sasha” said Maddie, “My name is Maddie and I am a ballerina, this is my dog Buddy he can talk”, added on Maddie. The woman glared at Maddie in a weird way but didn’t care to say anything. “Do you want to come with us?” asked Maddie, “Sure” said the woman. They turned around and started walking down the mountain. They walked past the strange cave and Sasha stopped and mentioned, “I’m going to get something I forgot, wait for me here”, Sasha walked back up and got something. She hid it behind her back and walked down to Maddie and Buddy. Maddie looked suspiciously at Sasha but assumed nothing was happening. Little did Maddie and Buddy know Sasha was not some innocent lady, she was an ugly, wicked witch with black hair and yellow teeth. She was holding a wand and a hat. She stood and she waited so did Maddie and  Buddie. “Wh-What are you doing?” asked Maddie, “I’ve been waiting for you”, mentioned Sasha. Sasha put on her hat. Maddie and Buddy gasped, “You're a witch aren’t you” said Maddie, “Of course i’m a witch little girl”, she grabbed her wand and yelled, “With all my power don’t let this girl walk and give her 50 years of non-talk!” Sasha pushed Maddie into the cave along with  With 50 years of non-talk Buddy was made he wanted to do something so he went and told the happy fairy. “Edith, Maddie is on a spell from Sasha the witch!” Edith didn’t believe him so he went back to the cave.

After a few hours buddy was looking after maddie he goes and tries again so he walked  towards her and says “HURRY am not joking please help her i can prove it”She says nice “Ok lets see.When buddy took the happy fairy to the cave she sees that maddie was in a cave she got very worried,So she tells buddy what spell is she under so buddy says “The spell she under is no-talking”So the happy fairy does her magic and she photogram the cave and maddie in it and suddenly it can open in 54321... “YES”replied buddy and the happy fairy she was all free and all of them was happy and relieved so what maddie learnt was don’t talk to strangers because something might happen.


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