
Tuesday 11 October 2016

The sad boy


‘’Ah I think that i should eat my lunch because i didn’t have everything to eat in the morning and also i think that i should hide at the side of the school wall also i think it is pretty and beautiful because it has drawing and nice handwriting.But i think that i should not eat it but am going to have some  food because it makes me fast i ate a bit of lunch.

‘’Wow i ate alots it was amazing and good.Max was getting up then and he saw a hole and look through it then he could see bad naughty boys so
Max went out and then max was thinking that he was going to bully him then they did so they started to push him around and around and he got sick and dizzy and max didn’t know what to do so he just kept getting bully.

Then the boys was thinking so they said they were sorry and help him and take him to the sick bay and they were very sorry they felt sad for he and the became friend they were happy together and the had amazing amazed life of friends


  1. i like the way you used your describing words hiria

  2. i like the way you used your describing words hiria


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